Just Say LOL

Just Say LOL

A Sign Of True Bonding
A Sign Of True Bonding
20 more images after the break...
Awesome Formation
Awesome Formation
Cool USB Hub
Cool USB Hub
Dog Bike Jogger
Dog Bike Jogger
Dressed Up Elephant
Dressed Up Elephant
Dumbest Policeman
Dumbest Policeman

He Is Like Me
He Is Like Me
Height Of Laziness
Height Of Laziness
Hey, What’s That?
Hey, What’s That?
I Don’t Believe, He Proposed To Me
I Don’t Believe, He Proposed To Me
I Made My Eco Friendly Bike
I Made My Eco Friendly Bike
Incubating Eggs!.. LoL
Incubating Eggs!.. LoL
It’s Not For The Kids
It’s Not For The Kids
Just Stay Away
Just Stay Away
Now What To Do
Now What To Do
Parking Win Or Fail
Parking Win Or Fail
Perfect Way To Save Energy 
Perfect Way To Save Energy
Would This Have Irritated You?
Would This Have Irritated You?
You Just Ruined My New Shoes
You Just Ruined My New Shoes
You’re Doing It Right
You’re Doing It Right
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